英 ['tʃerɪ]美['tʃɛri]
- n. 樱桃;樱桃树;如樱桃的鲜红色;处女膜,处女
- n. (Cherry)人名;(法、阿拉伯)谢里;(英)彻丽(女子教名Charity的昵称)
复数: cherries;
1. 樱桃还有一个俗称叫“车厘子”,车厘子就是英语单词cherry(樱桃)的音译,它们在台湾、广东及香港被直译做“车厘子”。但它不是指个小色红皮薄的中国樱桃,而是产于美国、加拿大、智利等美洲国家的个大皮厚的进口樱桃。中国目前也有车厘子果树的引种,不过还没有形成规模。(樱桃的英文名叫cherry,即“车厘”,樱桃果就翻译作“车厘子”)。
cherry 樱桃
- cherry
- cherry: [14] Cherry comes ultimately from Greek kerasós ‘cherry tree’, which in Latin became cerasus. This was borrowed into the Germanic languages in prehistoric times, producing, as well as German kirsche, Old English ciris ‘cherry’, which died out in the 11th century. In Vulgar Latin, meanwhile, cerasus had become ceresia, which passed into Old Northern French as cherise (source of modern French cerise). When it was borrowed into English, its -s ending was misinterpreted as indicating plurality, so a ‘new’ singular cherry was created.
- cherry (n.)
- c. 1300, earlier in surname Chyrimuth (1266, literally "Cherry-mouth"); from Anglo-French cherise, from Old North French cherise (Old French, Modern French cerise, 12c.), from Vulgar Latin *ceresia, from late Greek kerasian "cherry," from Greek kerasos "cherry tree," possibly from a language of Asia Minor. Mistaken in Middle English for a plural and stripped of its -s (compare pea).
Old English had ciris "cherry" from a West Germanic borrowing of the Vulgar Latin word (cognate with German Kirsch), but it died out after the Norman invasion and was replaced by the French word. Meaning "maidenhead, virginity" is from 1889, U.S. slang, from supposed resemblance to the hymen, but perhaps also from the long-time use of cherries as a symbol of the fleeting quality of life's pleasures.
- 1. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.
- 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。
- 2. It's lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out.
- 春天樱花开放,十分美丽.
- 3. Mrs. Cherry seems altogether weighed down by her work plus parenthood.
- 彻里夫人似乎被她的工作和母亲的责任累坏了.
- 4. The boy made a switch from the branch of a cherry tree.
- 这个男孩用樱桃树枝做了一条鞭子.
- 5. The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.
- 风暴过后,樱花全部落掉.