英 [krəʊm]美[krom]
- n. 铬,铬合金;铬黄;谷歌浏览器
chrome 铬
来自chroma, 色度,彩度。因其五颜六色的光泽而得名。
- chrome
- chrome: [19] Compounds formed from the element chromium are brilliantly coloured green, red, and yellow. Hence, when it was first described by the French chemist Vauquelin in 1797, he named it chrome, after Greek khrōma ‘colour’. This was soon latinized to chromium, and chrome was henceforth used for chromium pigments or chromium plating. The Greek adjective derived from khrōma was khrōmatikós, which as well as referring to colour, denoted the gradations of notes in a musical scale; and it was in this musical sense that it was first borrowed into English in the 17th century.
- chrome (n.)
- 1800, "chromium," from French chrome, the name proposed by Fourcroy and Haüy for a new element, from Greek khroma "color" (see chroma); so called because it makes colorful compounds. The name was given to the metallic element now known as chromium (which had been isolated 1798 by French chemist Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin); it continued in commercial use in English for "chrome steel" (steel with 2 percent or so chrome) after the chemical name was changed internationally. As a short form of chromium plating it dates from 1937. Related: Chromic.
- 1. The advanced DYNA - CHROME electroplating technology for automotive shock absorber rod was introduced in detail.
- 详细介绍了当今世界上最先进的汽车减振器杆硬铬电镀技术(DYNA-CHROME).
- 2. There is a lot of chrome on cars of that model.
- 那种牌子的汽车上涂有许多铬黄.
- 3. The United States was vulnerable to shortages of chrome, bauxite, and platinum.
- 美国的弱点是缺少铬 、 矾土和铂.
- 4. Now, new models use nice, shiny chrome, hex - head screws.
- 现在, 新的模型使用漂亮的, 有光泽的镀铬六角形镙丝.
- 5. Water faucets shall be chrome - plated type with ball valve.
- 水龙头外表为铬镀层.