
英 [fluːt]美[flut]
  • n. 长笛
  • vt. 用长笛吹奏
  • vi. 吹长笛



复数: flutes;


1. blow => Latin flare (pp. flatus) "to blow" => flute.
2. perhaps Latin flare (pp. flatus) "to blow" + lute => flute: 用嘴吹奏的乐器.
3. lute => flute.
4. perhaps influenced by lute.
5. f-(谐音“风”) + lute => 用嘴吹风、吹气的乐器。


flute 长笛

词源不确定。可能为拟声词或来自辅音丛bl, fl, 吹,鼓起,词源同blow, flatulent. 用来指一种木管乐器。


flute: [14] Provençal flaut was probably the original source of flute, and it reached English via Old French floute or floite. Where flaut came from, however, is another matter, and a much disputed one. Some etymologists claim that it is ultimately simply an imitation of a high-pitched sound, its initial consonant cluster perhaps provided by Provençal flajol ‘small flute or whistle’ (source of English flageolet [17], but itself of unknown origin) and Latin flāre ‘blow’; others suggest a specific blend of flajol with Provençal laut, source of English lute.

The sense ‘groove’ developed in English in the 17th century, from a comparison with the long thin shape of the instrument. Related forms in English include flautist [19], whose immediate source, Italian flautisto, preserves the au diphthong of the Provençal source word flaut (American English prefers the older, native English formation flutist [17]); and perhaps flout [16], which may come from Dutch fluiten ‘play the flute’, hence ‘whistle at, mock’.

=> flout
flute (n.)
early 14c., from Old French flaut, flaute (musical) "flute" (12c.), from Old Provençal flaut, which is of uncertain origin; perhaps imitative or from Latin flare "to blow" (see blow (v.1)); perhaps influenced by Provençal laut "lute." The other Germanic words (such as German flöte) are likewise borrowings from French.

Ancient flutes were direct, blown straight through a mouthpiece but held away from the player's mouth; the modern transverse or German flute developed 18c. The older style then sometimes were called flûte-a-bec (French, literally "flute with a beak"). The modern design and key system of the concert flute were perfected 1834 by Theobald Boehm. The architectural sense of "furrow in a pillar" (1650s) is from fancied resemblance to the inside of a flute split down the middle. Meaning "tall, slender wine glass" is from 1640s.
flute (v.)
late 14c., "to play upon the flute," from flute (n.). Meaning "to make (architectural) flutes" is from 1570s. Related: Fluted; fluting.


1. Some of the instrumentation is exquisite, particularly for harp and flute.


2. a concerto for flute and harp


3. She plays the flute in the school orchestra.


4. There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.


5. He took out his flute, and blew at it.

